Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Internet Explorer is Loosing Ground - Is it the end for Microsoft?

When I started college, almost 10 years ago now, I remember a teacher telling the class that Microsoft won't be dominating in the near future. His predictions was based on the emerging technologies of the time and today it's amazing to see how much ground Microsoft did loose.

While Microsoft Windows is still the most popular operating system around, Internet Explorer, on the other hand, is no longer the most popular browser (at least when it comes to people accessing this Blog). See the below diagram:

*Note: This data was taken from the integrated Google Analytics functionality for blogger and doesn't represent the browser's popularity on a global scale.

If we consider that more and more people are buying Ipads (or other tablets) instead of computers, it becomes easy to see that if Microsoft keeps playing by the old rules ... they'll eventually loose.

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