Thursday, January 20, 2011

Support business idea over friendship

I recently got in an argument with someone who believe I should support friends over business. If it’s a friend with a bad business, is it alright for me to support it? If my greatest enemy creates a product that’s able to cure cancer, should I not support his business?

I want all of my friends to succeed but that doesn’t mean I will support all of their business endeavors. That doesn’t mean I won’t be their friend either, I just won’t be a promoter of the business they own.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Unconscious expenses

An unconscious expense is something you buy, without putting a lot of thought into it, and soon forget afterwards.
Like everything else you buy, unconscious expenses are bills that can be a potential source of income.

Cutting expenses is a more effective way to put money in your jeans but you first have to know where every penny goes. Keeping receipt, or entering your expenses in a notebook, can be good ways for you to keep track of where your money went.

Items on sales are often source of unconscious expenses. If it’s not an item, that you needed prior to the sale, don’t buy it. We can justify any buy we make, the best way, I found, not to buy unnecessary items is keeping a list of the things I need.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Digestive brain

The brain process information the same way than the rest of the body does food. It takes information in, filtrates it, and put the bad information to waste.

The difference is that we have control over the filter. We have the last say on what information is good for us.
The media out there are working hard to influence you to change the filter to let their information in.
“Drink this pop, buy this product, use our toothpaste” are just a few of the advertisement found out there that tries really hard to put garbage thinking in your mind.

Monday, January 17, 2011

FML … Really?

I will not tell you what “FML” means. Let’s just say it’s stupid and common on Facebook. It’s an expression that I find offensive because it means that the writer doesn’t value life as much as one should.

When you study the author of the comment, what they complain about ain’t that much of a big deal.
What I find fascinating is those who really have rough time never says such things.

Why? Do people value life more when going through rough time? Do people complain more when everything is okay?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Doing good in a Relationship

Doing good to your partner is never a bad thing. I like to compare a relationship to a business. If you buy something for your business, it’s an investment (there will be a return) not a cost.

Grow your business!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Looking for updated Ted Williams story video

Not long ago, I’ve posted a video of Ted Williams (see and I know there’s currently updates on his story somewhere on the Internet.

I found a few but none of which can be embedded (and the one that can be embedded contains advertisements that I don’t want on my site). I’m looking for an official version, do any of you know where I could find one?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tolerance in Relationships - Part 2

The popular belief is that experience is the best teacher. A better teacher is learning from someone else’s experience.

I used to tolerate woman I was in a relationship with vs trying to find things I like about them.

To accept someone is to actively look for the good in people while tolerance is seeing the bad and waiting, or expect, to see the good.

When you expect someone to do good, you already have a predefine notion of what good you want to see. Which means that your partner may already be doing good things but you fail to classify them as “good” because they’re not what you’ve been expecting to see.

The only way, I know, how to see the good in people is by having humility, which I learned through faith.
Humility, in my few words, is knowing that I’m not perfect which in turns removes that expectancy of perfection in others. In other words, for everything wrong I can find about others, there’s 5 things I do wrong myself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tolerance in Relationships - Part 1

Love -> Tolerance -> Intolerance -> Hatred

If love and hatred were opposite, tolerance would be situated in between. Tolerance, in relationships, is allowing someone in your life but being indifferent if they ever decide to leave. That thought is a relationship killer.

In business, there’s a principle called “Burn your bridges”. It’s to burn all the exit to force you to work harder on the business. There’s nothing else beside the business. People,with that kind of mentality, are more likely to succeed because they will fight the fire instead of running away and letting their business burn.

Those who leave themselves exits (or bridges), in any area of life, have the intention of taking it if the opportunity arise.
In buildings, why would they build emergency exits if there was no intentions of using them?

A relationship works the same way. If there’s exits, you’ll run towards them at first sight of a fire.

Fight your fires.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cloud seeding

The recent flooding in New-Brunswick initiated my research on weather. Not actively looking but still curious about it, I found some information regarding environmental alteration, using Cloud seeding, while reading an article about WW II.

Cloud seeding is the process in which material, such as Dry Ice or Silver Iodide, is released in the atmosphere to alter the life cycles of clouds. Producing more/less rain/snow/clouds.

Cloud seeding experiments was first introduce in 1903 and further developed in times of wars to render the movements, of soldiers, difficult.

“There is statistical evidence for seasonal precipitation increases of about 10% with winter seeding.” -wikipedia

Cloud Seeding and Weather alteration from human activities in recent years
“The potential of condensation trails(contrails) from jet aircraft to affect regional-scale surface temperatures has been debated for years, but was difficult to verify until an opportunity arose as a result of the three-day grounding of all commercial aircraft in the United States in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. Here we show that there was an anomalous increase in the average diurnal temperature range (that is, the difference between the daytime maximum and night-time minimum temperatures) for the period 11–14 September 2001. Because persisting contrails can reduce the transfer of both incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation and so reduce the daily temperature range, we attribute at least a portion of this anomaly to the absence of contrails over this period.”

“Clouds were seeded during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing using rockets, so that there would be no rain during the opening and closing ceremonies.”

There’s never been any doubt that we effect weather with our human activities. However, I was surprised to learn that there was also research done on modifying the weather.
Could a recent, not shown publicly, Cloud Seeding activity be the cause of the recent flooding? Is it natural or cause by us?

Comment away!



Atmos Washington

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ted Williams - A Touching Story

This man went from being into the street to a radio broadcaster. A really touching story of someone who came out of great struggles.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Short Term Vs Long Term

A long term thinker will never be at the mercy of a short term thinker. This can be applied anywhere in life and about anything. For this blog, it will be only applied to items you can buy.

Chris Brady said “You should never buy anything new” and it does make sense due to depreciation (

If the item you buy gain in value in the long run; you should invest in it. If it doesn’t, and you still want it, you should wait until it depreciate and buy it used.

If funny how society looks at you when you buy something that’s a bit old. It’s like they define you based on what you buy. If one buy a bran new car and another person buy a old one who as the coolest car? Usually the guy with the new one … Who’s the smartest with money?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hi, how are you?

For most people, that’s as far as discussion gets. It become such an habit to answer that, when you say something drastically different, people are stunt. I often greet people by saying “Bonjour” (In French, means “Hello”) to my co-workers (who are English) and they answer “Good and you?”.

I don’t know what your purpose in life is, but I can tell you what it’s not. It’s not to do small talk until you die. Life is not design to have habits in every area, especially not when it comes to human interactions.

Is life so uncomfortable that we only have deep discussions with a chosen few? There’s no better way to grow than associate with people and it takes more, to associate, than a “Hi”.

Small talk is not the problem, the problem is that it doesn’t go beyond that point. Greeting people, with small talk, is the easiest way to break the ice; it makes both party comfortable because it’s common ground. Both know what the next question or answer will be. It’s like they’re syncing.

After the small talk is over, it’s time to associate by finding something that you have in common. To do so, you have to ask questions about them.
If he gives short answers; chances are that he doesn’t want to talk to you.

Bellow are 4 things that I find important in a discussion:

  1. Smile: A smile says “I’m glad to be with you”.
  2. Listen: It’s very important to listen to the answers so that you can go more in depth in the discussion.
  3. Avoid gossip: When in a discussion, if you say something bad about someone else behind their back, the person you talk to will wonder what bad things you say about them when they’re not there.
  4. Stay positive: You always want to leave someone on a positive note so that he is more likely to remember you from a positive note.

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